Planning- Structure

Listening to the song for at least 15 times, I have a basic idea of how I want each angle to be. Since the music video is a more emotional and heartbreaking story I want the angles to compliment the storyline. After practicing shots on different people, even my cat, I am deciding to go with extreme close ups or close ups to make it more intimate and show more emotions, and i also decided that whilst singing characters need to look into the camera, to show how they're pleading for help. I also decided that I wouldn't do long takes, rather shorter clips. Furthermore, i wanted to incorporate jump cuts, so different angles of both the characters can be shown. For the establishing shot I am debating between a crane shot moving upward or barn door effect on a still shot. I am also considering Juxtaposition/ Parallel editing for the dance sequence but I also feel like the dances should be shown separately as each move gives a message. I want to use sunlight as a main source of lighting for the whole music video, which is a risk, however I will be using LED lights in yellow where it is needed. 


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