Planning - Dance ( Inspiration)

The dance steps in the music video were of great significance to me, not only did it make the music video more artistic but each step  meant something. The first move is both the arms raising ( one arm followed by the other), for me the raising of the arms is a move of vulnerability, a cry for help from God. The second move is the arms coming down to embrace one self to show that it will be okay. The head going in a circular movement shows insanity. 

I believe each viewer will have their own interpretation of every move. Dance is an art to me and art has no set meaning or boundaries. After showing these moves to my friends and fellow school mates who had not heard the story or my interpretation of the moves, i heard different responses such as; raising hands mean gathering strength; the head movement  symbolizes tiredness; the embrace is a literal embrace to show the person taking cover or making an armor. After evaluating all the responses I came to the conclusion that the moves did signify pain. 
Mostly dances are seen in Asian Cinema mainly Bollywood and less in Hollywood. However, I found my inspiration by two dancers whose dance I found on Youtube, their names are ' Anderson and Brenda'. Their dance on 'To Build A home' was nothing but raw and full of emotions. The dance type they did was Zouk with a contemporary touch. Zouk involves slow pace dance with touch, I wanted the slow pace and the emotion Zouk brings without any physical contact. It was a challenge, but with the angles of the camera showed each step, secondly the lighting was dark to signify a more darker, sad aesthetic to build a backbone for what message the dance had to convey. 


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