
To dive further into my passion for media, over the summers I worked in a production house in Pakistan known as ' Black Box Sounds'. The production house produces films, ads, music videos, manages events and social medias. Seeing the Diversification in their work opened my eyes as to how diverse media can be. I worked in producing ads for ' The Cantonment Board of Pakistan', furthermore i helped organize an event for USEP- PUAN, where there were celebrities, politicians and journalist who had to speak in the conference, working with time constraints really helped my time management skills. I worked on getting the backdrop ready, setting the chairs, the theme which helped my aesthetic skills greatly. Secondly, I helped place the cameras perfectly, which was such a time consuming and tiring process as there were multiple cameras to catch each angle, alongside getting the perfect lighting. I ushered the event, which meant a lot of standing and interaction/ communication. Another task of mine was to place a mic on each speakers shirt, which taught me how to deal with people professionally and get them comfortable. I also spoke in an ad that was made specifically for the government of Pakistan as they launched a new program that funds the education of the youth, known as ' Kamyab Jawaan'. It was interesting to stand in front of the camera and lights rather than behind, it made me realize how difficult the job of an actor is.
To conclude, this internship expanded my horizons. This was a first hand experience of actually working around film makers and people who have careers in the field of media. By the end of the internship I had blisters from walking, and so many body aches but what this internship taught me was beyond textbooks and even beyond words to some extent.


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