Equipment- what i used

Having to choose between a DSLR (NIKON D5200) and a mirrorless camera ( Sony A6500) was tough, since I was so used to my DSLR and it was indeed tough to come to terms with the new camera, because switching from Nikon to Sony was almost extraterrestrial to me. Nikons' setting was comparatively  easier than Sonys'. But ultimately came to the decision to use my mirror less camera and i have no regrets whatsoever, it has been a dream. I have been told on multiple occasions that auto focus is a sin but using it on my mirrorless has given me the best results. 
Moving ahead from the camera, we have LED lights, with the option to control the colors ( yellow to blue or a mix of both) and the intensity of the light, this has been my best friend, at some points I have used this outdoors in the sun, to avoid shadows. 
A filter hack i learned was using transparent tinted sheets on top of lights to act as a gel and this adds more effects.
The software i will be using to edit is Adobe Premiere Pro, Photoshop and After Affects and to further my knowledge and skill i have been watching YouTube tutorials on ' how to...'. Other than that I have practiced what I learned on small clips which has helped me greatly. 


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